Dynamic RS Eggbutt bradoon with D-shaped rings 14 mm single jointed

SKU: 4024510578
  • according to FEI guidelines not approved for use as a bradoon

  • ergonomical shape allowing a soft and even distribution of pressure, joint angled forward by 45°

  • fits anatomically correct between tongue and palate, allows effective rein aids

  • designed to encourage the horse to confidently step forward to the bit

  • ideal for sensitive horses or horses with a fleshy tongue

  • allows direct pressure transmission on the tongue and lower jaw due to the fixed mouthpiece

  • lies steady in the horse's mouth, gentle on the corners of the mouth, supports sideways acting rein aids

Size: 105 mm


Product information

Looking for a perfect fit? Look no further than the Dynamic RS bits. This series of bits is ergonomically designed: Their joints are always angled forwards by 45°. This way they allow for an even distribution of pressure. Because all Dynamic RS bits fit anatomically correct between the tongue and palate, they are easy on the mouth, allow effective aiding and are suitable for horses with small mouths or very fleshy tongues.

The fixed sides of this bit allow a direct transmission of the rein aid onto the horse's tongue and lower jaw. They also protect the sensitive corners of the mouth and frame the horse slightly at the sides. The bit lies particularly quiet in the mouth.
Sensogan with stainless steel rings / cheeks
105 mm
14 mm
55 mm
LPO Zulassung
Zugelassen als Unterlegtrense für Prüfungen mit vorgeschriebener Zäumung auf Kandare:
• Dressur-LP Kl. L bis S
• Vielseitigkeits-LP ab GVL (Teilprüfung Dressur)

Zugelassen für alle Prüfungsarten mit Zäumung auf Trense
Ring type
Single jointed
Use for