Foal Harness

SKU: 4574400000
  • allows more control in the first few weeks of the foal's life

  • enables controlled leading - without any pressure on the sensitive foal poll

  • optimal fit

  • made of high-quality materials and fittings

  • avoids pressure on the sensitive poll

  • minimizes the risk of injury

  • can be used on its own or with a halter

  • grows with the foal thanks to adjustment options

  • can be combined with our leash for more grip

Colour: black


Product information

The foaling season is starting!
When the little ones romp across the meadows, it makes your heart beat faster, but getting there with these little bundles of energy can sometimes be a real challenge. Our foal harness is just what you need: it gives you more control when leading your foal in the first few weeks of its life without putting pressure on its still very sensitive neck. The size fits warmblood foals and grows with them for some time thanks to the adjustment options. The foal harness can be combined with our rubberized lead (item 59230), which provides more grip than a classic lead rope thanks to its structure. This allows you to lead the little newcomer safely, whether on the way to the pasture across a road or after an injury, after which the foal needs to be exercised in a controlled manner.

Did you know?
The idea for our foal harness originated from an injured foal belonging to a SPRENGER employee. Following a hernia directly after birth and a surgery, Diacoré needed to be exercised in a controlled manner. Not so easy in the first few weeks of life for this little bundle of energy. Especially when you want to avoid putting pressure on the foal's still fragile neck. Without further ado, we converted a harness to enable controlled exercise for the youngster. You can also see the little chap in our product photos.